Chris' Computers Page

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My Home Computer

At home, I currently run a Hewlett-Packard 7110Z 120mHz Pentium w/64mb of RAM and 3.2gB of HD space with a 28.8kBPS internal modem, an EZ-Photo Drive, a Zip drive and an AIMS-Labs radio card. My OS's are Win95, IBM OS/2WarpV4 w/WinOS/2, IBM PC-DOS2000 and NewDOSv3 (NewDeal Office 98- formerly Geoworks Ensemble). The monitor is a PB 14" SVGA.

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My Work Computers

The server that runs my business site and my other business site is currently a home-built (P120+ w/ 64mB of RAM and 4gB of HD) connected via 10mB LAN to a server with a T-1 connection to the 'net.

Contact Chris

Email Chris!

Copyright ©1997-1998: Creative Media Services
Created: Sept. 15, 1997; Last modified: Jan. 9, 1998