Chris' Magic Page

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WWW Magic Links

Dorothy Dietrich's Bullet Catch Page (I took the photos of Dorothy in the frilled jumpsuit.)
Joe DeLion (actually the WWW page for the comedy club that he MC's)
John Ferrentino (actually John's online magic company)
The Flying Karamazov Brothers (jugglers/lunatics/geniuses) Page
Joel Hodgson (Joel's Gizmonic Antsite)
The Magic Castle WWW Page
The Jania Taylor Page
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Magic Friends Who AREN'T Online

Some friends who were out working the last time I knew: Some friends who have retired from magic or passed on: Return to Top of Page

Contact Chris

Email Chris!

Copyright ©1997-1998: Creative Media Services
Created: Aug. 25, 1997; Last modified: Dec. 27, 1998